Thursday, August 10, 2006

Globe and Mail Comment Section

This is why we have a war in Lebanon

This Averbach fellow writes "Marlee H. #2 - not that I think anyone on this post can have their minds changed but Israel first started dropping notices of their intent on villages at the very begining of the war. Perhaps you remember the pictures of the residents, (all young males), ripping them up in contempt. Now frankly if I were a member of Hezbollah I too would have ripped up those messages in contempt to show how macho I was. The difference between me and them is that I would have sent my family and especially my children away instead of using them as sheilds." in response to Marlee's comments "Mr. Moderator, perhaps you can post this message, not sure why mine aren't getting posted - is it because I'm against the dropping of bombs, and I'm not sounding pro-Israel as the media would like us all to be? Thank Goodness Israel is dropping more leaflets to let people know they're going to be dropping more bombs.....shame the people can't go anywhere though, given the devastation of their bombs in the area. Also nice to see that they are planning to bomb the only road left for people to get out, this madness has got to stop. This supposedly is to keep Hezbollah from getting more missiles, perhaps then we should ensure the US can't get any more ammunition through to Israel to make the playing fields fair. And for all those worried about nuclear warheads coming from Iran, this is what the government wants us to believe when in actual fact Israel has 200 nuclear warheads at its disposal already, let's hope the US Government doesn't authorise Israel to use them "

Look at the text in red. This is why we have a war. Because such outrageous accusations made about the Lebanese people (whom some of you know as Hizbollah instead) as if they are not human. If Israel comes to terms with the fact that Non-Israelis are humans too, we would not have a war.

So Hizbolla do not love their children now do they? Of course not!!! They are not humans. How can you be a human being if you are fighting the Israelis?


Anonymous said...

Macho or not I would get the hell out of there with my family. My family needs a parent more than they need land.

Why aren't the Brits answerable for this? Afterall, they are the source.

Faisal said...

What are you talking about?

Anonymous said...

do your homework

Faisal said...

Are you my first grade school teacher? What are you talking about? Your first comment doesn't make sense to me. I am not saying this as a challenge. I am saying this as "IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE". What do the Brits have to do with this?

Care to do YOUR homework?

Anonymous said...

Where do you expect these people to go when they have no means to get anywhere? It is not as easy as packing your bags for a free weekend getaway at the Ritz. You have to remember, these are villages with limited resources at their disposal. It is really nice that the pamphlets were dropped, but it is nicer that the roads were bombed to get out, or that cars were blown up or that there is no gas to get out. In addition to this, these villages are FAR from nearby areas, it is not as easy as a half hour walk. Therefore, you expect families to pick up their children and the elderly and walk in the blistering heat with no food, or water to get to stay in crowded schools with nowhere to sleep, or eat, that is if they even make it there...isn't that a death in itself? So, thankyou for dropping the posters...Now, the so called "war" is over, are they going to be kind even to drop dollar bills??????

Faisal said...

Dear R,

I hope you understand that I am with the families of Lebanon whom have been bombed. I may have been sarcastic in my post to make a point.

Anonymous said...

I understand this. My post was mostly in response to the 1st comment posted about how "A family needs a parent more than land". I was stating that it is NOT that SIMPLE. Most of these families had no means of getting out, nor did they have this choice, for sometimes the escape is just as deadly - if it is even feasible. The posters were simply a gesture to justify what was to follow, since of course these families had a "choice" to leave and they CHOSE to stay and risk their lives. There was no choice for the lebanese people, everything that happened to them was an "imposition" not a "choice". As an aside, land is land - but it is not simply land people are leaving behind. It is memories, families, a sense of belonging and history. How easy would it be for anyone to leave their land, where they buried their parents, where they raised their children? For I have seen people do this due to wars and it is the kind of burden that stays with you forever.